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Domov> Blog> Texas Instruments Introduces New LED Lighting Controller with Power Factor Correction

Texas Instruments Introduces New LED Lighting Controller with Power Factor Correction

July 28, 2022

Texas Instruments (TI) today announced a new single-stage LED illumination pulse width modulation (PWM) controller. The TRIAC dimming solution not only adjusts the LED current, but also achieves a power factor close to 1. The reference design achieves 85% efficiency and supports high-density small design solutions. The TPS92210 is suitable for general lighting applications such as commercial and residential recessed lights, ventilated lighting, bulb replacement products, architectural and display lighting.

The TPS92210 supports high-flexible operating modes such as peak base current, constant on-time, and frequency modulation. The constant on-time mode uses a single-stage power factor correction to increase efficiency. Compared to competing devices, the TPS92210's cascading MOSFET configuration reduces switching losses by 10% and enables easy startup. In addition, the device's continuous linear TRIAC dimming provides unified control without flicker, no optoless over voltage protection, thermal shutdown, and advanced overcurrent protection for safety in the event of a fault. Ground shut down system. A key feature of the TPS92210 is its programmable fault response, full shutdown, and shutdown restart for greater flexibility in fault response.

The TPS92210 is available now in an 8-lead SOIC package. The TPS92210 evaluation board will be available in the fourth quarter of this year.

With decades of innovation in power management and wired and wireless communications technologies, TI offers an industry-leading portfolio of current LED lighting design needs. TI not only has a wide range of power management devices, wired and wireless interfaces, embedded processors, and a variety of products specifically designed to meet the needs of the lighting market, but also provides a powerful local and online customer support network to help customers accelerate lighting Equipment innovation.

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